Best of Mankiw: Errors and Tangles in the World’s Best-Selling Economics Textbooks
Harvard’s Greg Mankiw is taken to task by Serious Economist Peter Bofinger for some major howlers in Mankiw’s textbooks.
Read more...Harvard’s Greg Mankiw is taken to task by Serious Economist Peter Bofinger for some major howlers in Mankiw’s textbooks.
Read more...An in-depth discussion of financial capitalism versus earlier models and the Chinese and Russian approach, with a focus on the role of rent.
Read more...Michael Hudson discusses the chokehold of pro-finance, pro-rentier capitalism reaching into the present COVID-19 crisis.
Read more...Larry Summers is at it again.
Read more...Fiscal multipliers, an economic concept often misused to justify austerity, is rearing its head in Beltway budget debates. Time to bone up.
Read more...Another nail in the trickle down economics coffin. Too bad that vampire-like, it keeps coming back.
Read more...Money, lending, government spending, QE….all explained in one tidy post!
Read more...To defend deficits, Furman and Summers relied on debunked theories, thus preserving destructive mainstream economic ideas.
Read more...Steve Keen and Micheal Hudson provide a deep dive on a debt jubilee, and how it could be implemented in a Covid-afflicted economy.
Read more...The Democrats will soon decide which campaign promises will be ignored or walked back. Sandernistas, brace yourselves.
Read more...A political economy take on the EU.
Read more...Trying to make sense of CARES Act gimmickry.
Read more...UK councils were already in trouble due to austerity, inflated charges for services, and mismanagement. Covid is set to generate bankruptcies
Read more...Matt Taibbi describes why the Democrats are likely to draw all the wrong lessons from their shabby 2020 results.
Read more...The Biden transition team has abandoned most of the Biden campaign Covid promises, particuarly the ones that cost money.