Quick Comments on the Biden-Harris Covid Plan: Not Much Sizzle and No Steak
The Biden transition team has abandoned most of the Biden campaign Covid promises, particuarly the ones that cost money.
Read more...The Biden transition team has abandoned most of the Biden campaign Covid promises, particuarly the ones that cost money.
Read more...It’s odd to see Democrats talking about a Biden “100 days” when Obama did nothing like that when he actually did have a mandate to do so that he ignored. Did they not get the memo that their blue wave didn’t hit the beach? It’s even odder to see Chuck Schumer affecting a Damascene conversion, […]
Read more...Jobs not galore. And the target keeps moving.
Read more...Michael Hudson on how Trump’s policies have not addressed the fundamental forces that gutted industrial jobs under the both parties
Read more...The not-pretty picture of Covid impact on state and local governments.
Read more...Trump is back to his usual self-destructive form.
Read more...Another tour de force by Michael Hudson, this one stressing the role of unproductive real estate in modern debt bondage and Trump’s MMT.
Read more...Coronavirus damage is working its way up the economic food chain and is now hitting professionals in a meaninful way.
Read more...Some econmists have criticized industrial policy as zombie-crearting “macroeconomic populism.” Evidence indicates otherwise.
Read more...Unemployment claims continue to increase, with nearly 20% collecting unemployment insurance. even according to the stringent claims criteria.
Read more...Contrary to right wing beliefs, giving citizens stimulus payments didn’t lead them to loaf.
Read more...Jan Kregel explains the fundamental problem with the economic system is its focus on providing finance to investors.
Read more...Hunger is on the rise. Grocery store operators see weaker spending now that the $600/week unemployment supplements are gone.
Read more...Political scientist Tom Ferguson juxtaposes the factions around Biden with how Roosevelt eventually stared down banks and corporatists in the second phase of the New Deal
Read more...First demonstrations across the US, now a guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos’ house. Is this more #Resistance or a system-breaking resistance?