Yanis Varoufakis: Interview with Léa El Azzi on Capitalism After the Pandemic, Europe, Greece, Lebanon & the IMF
A discussion of the state of capitailsm, with a European/Lebanase slant.
Read more...A discussion of the state of capitailsm, with a European/Lebanase slant.
Read more...Michael Hudson explains why debt cancellation and turning banks into utilities is the only sound response to the cornacrisis.
Read more...The Governor of the Bank of England had a major “put foot in mouth and chew” episode.
Read more...A careful look at a new set of rescue schemes devised by some Serious Economists. Honestly, even Larry Summers could do better than this.
Read more...Yves here. Richard Murphy’s observations about QE hitting its limits are clearly relevant to the US. Sadly, things will have to get worse before ideas like a job guarantee or Green New Deal-type work schemes even get a hearing. By Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant and a political economist. He has been described by the Guardian […]
Read more...Why the Covid-19 bailouts are coming at a high social cost.
Read more...Why the economy is still mighty sick and won’t get much better any time soon.
Read more...The European Union has not reached a “Hamiltonian moment.” Its plans are too little, too late, hamstrung by institutional barriers to economic recovery.
Read more...Why Covid-19 damage will be lasting.
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a detailed, if sobering, account of the outlook for the economy.
Read more...The news on the EU and UK fronts is less than promising. It looks good only compared to rampaging cops on this side of the pond.
Read more...Time to do something about America’s creaky infrastructure.
Read more...Heiner Flassbeck shows it defies macroeconomic logic to promote surpluses for Germany, prohibit government deficits everywhere else and forbid the central bank from acting as the central bank of each Euro member.
Read more...An incisive take from the no-holds-barred Tom Ferguson.
Read more...Past theories of crises and why they matter now.