What’s the Fate of Social Security in a Brutally Unequal America?
Presidential contenders ignore root causes threatening Social Security. Is it due to their reliance on wealthy donors?
Read more...Presidential contenders ignore root causes threatening Social Security. Is it due to their reliance on wealthy donors?
Read more...Eric Laursen, author of The People’s Pension, explains the campaign of sneak attacks and misinformation against Social Security.
Read more...An in-depth yet lively debunking by Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson of Panglossian depictions of the state of the US economy and society.
Read more...How EU states are still trapped in their self-devised austerity hairshirt.
Read more...Michael Hudson pulls out his crystal ball to forecast what might be in store for 2024.
Read more...Neoliberalism is still doing a fine job of zombifying economies, but the doctrine sadly is in rude health.
Read more...Yet another shot below the water line for sinking Project Ukraine.
Read more...Things are going from bad to worse for Ukraine, and at an accelerating pace too.
Read more...Though firms passed rising upstream costs on to retailers at similar absolute rates, the increases for low-end products are disproportionately large when measured in percentages – a pattern with real consequences for consumers.
Read more...This is amazing, and I’m not sure how long it will last.
Read more...Ukraine’s local authorities are undes serious budget stress despite government assurances of support
Read more...MMT economist Bill Mitchell on the rise of neoliberal ideology across the Anglosphere and how it curbed labor.
Read more...Tax breaks to the rich mean less revenue, higher deficits, and more calls to gut programs like Social Security that protect ordinary citizens
Read more...Tsunami of issuance meets Fed QT, Skittish Foreign Buyers, and US buyers demanding to be compensated for the risks of out-of-control deficits in an inflationary environment.
Read more...A recent report on conditions in Ukraine paints a more dire picture than your humble blogger had imagined, and I have an active imagination.