Michael Hudson and Radhika Desai on Dollar Imperialism
A deep dive on the development of the dollar system.
Read more...A deep dive on the development of the dollar system.
Read more...The point of the debt ceiling melodrama is to give fiscal hawks another whack at budget-cutting. Tax increase are therefore off the table.
Read more...A primer on the gold standard, including a discussion of its implications.
Read more...Russia had a budget shortfall due to a fall in energy-related tax receipts. How serious a problem is this development?
Read more...Fiscal policy can play an important role in limiting hysteresis – a term coined in the 1980s – particularly by promoting government and private investment. However, the political economy of fiscal policymaking typically trades off long-term benefits for short-term gains
Read more...Galbraith explains why conventional views of inflation are a particularly poor fit for recent price increases and produced bad policy
Read more...Desai and Hudson debunk widely-believed, finance-and-elite-serving myths about inflation.
Read more...The upcoming debt ceiling fight has an unusual feature: Republican opposition to military pork, or at least the Ukraine variety.
Read more...A new analysis finds our inflation comes first from Covid/sanctions supply shocks and second, spending by the rich, not government spending.
Read more...Is Ukraine’s spin getting threadbare?
Read more...A short MMT refresher course in the form of a Q&A.
Read more...Bloomberg is countering the prevaiing cheery narrative that Europe can muddle through its ongoing energy crunch.
Read more...Confirmation that austerity is bad for political stabiity because ordinary citizens don’t take well to their governments treating them badly.
Read more...The pathologies that produced the financial crisis are still circulating.
Read more...Why Poland is on its way to becoming an economic basket case.