Category Archives: Macroeconomic policy

Deficit Doves, the Gift that Keeps on Giving

The first section of this post is by Warren Mosler, the President of Valance Co. who writes for New Deal 2.0 Deficit doves are doing more harm than the hawks — here’s what they need to know. The deficit hawks are prevailing. The economy remains an economic and social disaster. Medicare has already been cut […]


Guest Post: The Second Energy Revolution

By Wallace C. Turbrville, the former CEO of VMAC LLC who writes at New Deal 2.0 In the 1930s, a great many Southerners had no access to electricity. The Roosevelt administration perceived an enormous opportunity to restructure the region’s economy. By building facilities to bring power to the rural South, jobs would be created from […]


George Magnus on China’s Renminbi Move

George Magnus, senior economic advisor at UBS, provided a reading of the Chinese central bank’s announcement on its currency policy over the past weekend. He sees it as political, “symbolic rather than substantive.” He also contends that China needs to make significant policy changes. From the Financial Times: It would be churlish not to acknowledge […]


Alford: Structural Remedies Necessary to Tame Global Imbalances

By Richard Alford, a former economist at the New York Fed. Since then, he has worked in the financial industry as a trading floor economist and strategist on both the sell side and the buy side. Calls for global rebalancing are back in vogue, while the debate about the appropriate stance of domestic policy heats […]


More Calls of Alarm About Eurozone Austerity

Tonight brings an odd pairing: Lord Skidelksy, the highly respected biographer of Keynes, and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who is generally of the Austrian persuasion, both continuing, as each has, to object to the extreme measures in the process of being implemented in the eurozone. Now before you say that they are both Brits, and therefore suspect […]


Martin Wolf: Austerity is Risky Business

Martin Wolf, in today’s Financial Times, uses modern monetary theory (!), also known as the fiscal balances approach, to explain why calls for fiscal belt tightening are premature. Let’s provide a little background, courtesy Rob Parenteau of the Levy Institute: …if we divide the economy into three sectors – the domestic private (households and firms), […]


AXA: Eurozone Breakup a Real Possibility

Before European readers get upset about the discussion of continued concerns about the eurozone, some of its eager defenders appear to subscribe to an extreme form of indeterminacy. If you recall the famed Schrodinger’s cat, the indeterminacy of the position of an electron is made (somewhat) more comprehensible by a thought experiment in which a […]


Satyajit Das: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

By Satyajit Das, a risk consultant and author of Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives – Revised Edition (2010, FT-Prentice Hall). It Always Ends in the Same Way … No one, including the IMF, seriously believes that the austerity program announced by Greece will work. Argentina had debt […]


Rising Global Imbalances Likely to Precipitate New Crises

It is not a sign of intelligence to repeat a course of action and expect different results. Yet our officialdom is doing pretty much just that on the economic front. Treasury and the Fed in particular seem quite pleased with their success in patching up the financial system with duct tape and baling wire and […]


Auerback: The United Kingdom Draws the Wrong Lessons from Canada

By Marshall Auerback, a fund manager and investment strategist who writes for New Deal 2.0 (and happens to be Canadian). For once, Canada is making the news for the wrong reasons: The government of the United Kingdom has braced the country for cuts in government spending of up to 20 per cent as the new […]


Martin Wolf on the Dangers of Austerity

Martin Wolf, the Financial Times’ influential economics editor, takes issue with the austerity fad that is sweeping governments in advanced economies. From his comment: Against this background, what would a big tightening of fiscal policy deliver? In the absence of effective monetary policy offsets, one would expect aggregate demand to weaken, possibly sharply. Some economists […]


The cardio diet of deficit reduction – a modern tale

By Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns Everybody in the west knows the fabled effectiveness of weight-loss dietary programs designed around intense cardiovascular regimes which burn huge amounts of calories. The people who work hard, doing as much cardio as possible lose weight. Those that pump iron may get muscular, but they aren’t working as hard […]


Geithner at G20 Warns of Imminent Beggar Thy Neighbor Currency Policies

As much as I have been a consistent critic of Geithner in his role as one of the chief enablers of the banking industry, he deserves credit for this succinct remarks at the G-20 via Bloomberg (hat tip reader Scott): In a sign of tension among the world’s economic policy chiefs, Geithner flagged concern that […]


On the Maybe Not So Slow Motion European Train Wreck

I owe readers a longer comment on this, since we may be going into crisis mode (ah, the joys of waking up and toddling out to the computer to see what wheels are falling off the global financial system today). Your humble blogger may be a bit jaded (two years of watching the crisis and […]


Why is Washington Dithering with Unemployment High?

Brad DeLong points out that Ronald Reagan was far more concerned about unemployment than Team Obama (or Washington generally) is, and also took far more aggressive measures to combat it. From The Week (hat tip reader Marshall): By the start of 1983, labor unions were frantically giving back previously-promised wage increases and offering wage cuts […]