Category Archives: Macroeconomic policy

Does M1 and M2 Contraction Signal Debt Deflation?

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in “Monetarists warn of crunch across Atlantic economies” in the Telegraph points to a troubling development: a fall over last few months in M1 and M2 in the US, UK and EU. Many have criticized the Fed for “printing money” of late. But the evidence suggests otherwise. First, all of the cash injections […]


Larry Summers Sounds Alarm, Urges Aggressive Federal Intervention to Rescue Economy

Larry Summer’s latest comment at the Financial Times, “What we can do in this dangerous moment.” is troubling both for its analysis of our economic mess and its remedies. Start with his first paragraph: It is quite possible that we are now at the most dangerous moment since the American financial crisis began last August. […]


Why an Economic Slowdown May Not Contain Inflation

There is a nice little post at VoxEU, “(At least) Three simple reasons to fear inflation,” by Tommaso Monacelli, Associate Professor of Economics at Università Bocconi, Milan. While the entire article is worth reading, I thought his discussion of the interaction between growth and inflation was particulalry useful: In the plethora of comments on the […]


Blankfein Upbeat; Gross Distorts Data and Calls for Federal Rescue

We have the specter of two CEOs, each heading a firm that is a leader in its businesses and a debt powerhouse, making close to polar opposite statements about the prospects for the credit markets. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman’s chief, said today that the credit crisis was half to two thirds through its course. While there […]


"Stop behaving as whiner of first resort"

A comment by Ricardo Hausmann in today’s Financial Times takes US policymakers to task for trying to prop up demand and stave off a recession. We’ve pointed out repeatedly, as have various economists quoted here, that consumption as a percentage of US GDP is unsustainably high and saving correspondingly too low. It can only continue […]


Less Than Respectful Commentary on the Fed Put and Fiscal Rescue Efforts

It wasn’t enough that the Administration’s fiscal stimulus plan announced last Friday was sufficiently off beam so as to precipitate a global stock market rout. The Fed then put its credibility and some of its remaining firepower on the line to try reverse the gap-downward stock market opening with the in-panic-mode pre-session 75 basis point […]


Markets Want Christmas in January (Rate Cuts Edition)

Although a good deal can happen between now and January 31, the date of the next Fed Open Markets Committee meeting, a 50 basis point rate cut looks more consistent with present economic conditions than do deeper cuts. Most important (and widely ignored) is that the seize-up the money markets is largely a thing of […]


Menzie Chinn on the Merits of Fiscal Stimulus Via Improvements to Automatic Stabilizers

While there is some debate about whether and how much fiscal stimulus is warranted to combat a likely recession (yours truly thinks that we are in a no-win situation, with side effects likely to be as bad as the disease), some sort of program seems inevitable, particularly since this is an election year. So then […]