Hospitals Squeal Like Stuck Pigs Over Trump Proposal to Force Disclosure of Insurance Company Discounts
A Trump proposal to force some price transparency on hospitals has them hopping mad.
Read more...A Trump proposal to force some price transparency on hospitals has them hopping mad.
Read more...Angus Deaton argues that the present level of inequality is a threat to “democratic capitalism” but contends that historically, even more severe inequality has been reversed.
Read more...The goal of any serious climate policy is to keep oil and other fossil fuels in the ground. The central question is how.
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Read more...How William Lazonick persuaded pols and pundits that the shareholder value theory was bad for business and society.
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Read more...The authorities have come to realize that monopolists like Google and Amazon aren’t good for the health of the economy or even (despite their tech sheen) “innovation”.
Read more...The US Civil War did not do lasting damage to the economic position of wealthy slaveholding famiies.
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Read more...The Chicago School’s weakening of antitrust law hurt the economy
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Read more...Looking at some of the non-CO2 costs of increasing renewable energy production and distribution.