Why Are Profit-Making Factories Closing Across England?
The curious case of England’s closing factories shows the need for industrial strategy to counter rampant short-termism.
Read more...The curious case of England’s closing factories shows the need for industrial strategy to counter rampant short-termism.
Read more...A high-level talk of the ebb and flow of monopoly power over the past century and what to do about them now.
Read more...Evidence that women face higher obstacles to professional achievement than men.
Read more...Genworth’s flagging long-term insurance business as a window into the challenges facing even the high-functioning elderly.
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Read more...A study of DuPont’s failure to clean up emissions of a toxic chemical shows pollution is economical rational. Too bad the remedies are lame.
Read more...Hollywood relies ever more heavily on repetitive content.
Will firms like Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, and Google swallow it whole?
While the National Nurses Union back national health care, they are cautiously calling only for Medicare for All, not a more robust system.
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Read more...Economist Andrew Lo presents his alternative to the Efficient Markets Hypothesis: the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis.
Read more...Why “collapsed” is not too strong a word to describe the recent price action for currency wannabes.
Read more...A new study confirms NC’s longstanding observations of the dangers that narrow networks pose to participants in ACA plans.
Read more...More discussion of the causes of rising inequality and possible remedies.
Read more...The gravity defying pay given to top health care managers, particularly the top managers of non-profit hospital systems.