Category Archives: Market inefficiencies

The Global War on Cash – Lessons from History

Introduction Regular readers will be fully up to speed on the Reserve Bank of India’s botched attempt at a handbrake turn style demonetisation thanks to Jerri-Lynn Scofield’s thorough coverage (see here, here and here for more background on this sorry tale). But the Indian government’s attempt at implementing a strategy of moving an economy away from physical cash […]


Michael Hudson: Celebrating the One Percent – Is Inequality Really Good for the Economy?

The backlash has begun. Prominent economists are upping their game in trying to depict the gains of the One Percent as virtuous and beneficial.


Does Wall Street Do “God’s Work”? Or Even Anything Useful?

Bank executives frequently proclaim that Wall Street is vital to the nation’s economy and performs socially valuable services by raising capital, providing liquidity to investors, and ensuring that securities are priced accurately so that money flows to where it will be most productive. There’s just one problem: the Wall Street mantra isn’t true.