Why Elon Musk Isn’t Superman
Why Elon Musk, despite having built significant operating companies, is still mainly in the bezzle business.
Read more...Why Elon Musk, despite having built significant operating companies, is still mainly in the bezzle business.
Read more...Despite promoters’ claims, infrastructure projects often aren’t great public successes.
Read more...Some concrete ideas for how to pin the tail of the limited liability donkey back on key insiders, and make regulators accountable.
Read more...Railroads are finding it difficult to hire workers and their labor shortfall has prevented them from meeting transportation demand
Read more...Intel is the poster child of how stock buybacks come at the cost of technological innovation.
Read more...Facebook looks to have done well in having two high profile antitrust suits dismissed. But they should keep the campagne on ice.
Read more...Mark Blyth explains why inflation in the U.S., Canada, & E.U. is highly unlikely: a room for more government spending and higher wages.
Read more...A positive voice tone can lead to higher share prices and decreases in volatility, highlighting the importance of voice control for central bank communication.
Read more...Establishing some first principles of the bullshit economy.
Read more...History shows robust antitrust enforcement helps promote a prosperous, fair, and balanced economy.
Read more...How to do a better job of getting relief to those who need it.
Read more...Maintaining and reviving manufacturing capacity in key insutries is vital to preserving jobs and ensuring U.S. survival.
Read more...Are behavioral economists really nudging people in the right direction?
Read more...Yves here. The collateral damage of the Texas power grid power failures is getting worse and worse. Extensive burst pipes now mean that 14 million (no typo) are without potable water. From the Wall Street Journal: More than 14 million people in Texas are without safe drinking water, as the fallout of a severe winter […]
Read more...How Big Food increases prices in categories like bread, beer, processed chicken, and packaged salad, and what to do about it.