Michael Hudson and Dr. Jeffrey Miron of Cato Debate Capitalism
Michael Hudson sharpens some of his arguments in a discussion with a Harvard/Cato Institute stalwart.
Read more...Michael Hudson sharpens some of his arguments in a discussion with a Harvard/Cato Institute stalwart.
Read more...Another Michael Hudson star turn on debt dynamics, this time focusing on the coronavirus bailouts are shoring up rentiers.
Read more...Will the disruption of Covid-19 deal a major blow to market ideology?
Read more...Reallocating workers to better jobs at their current location could be a more cost-effective avenue to increase aggregate wages, and even accelerate regional convergence
Read more...Fed tightening is no longer needed to create recessions, given fragile credit structures and a growing pandemic out of China.
Read more...A takedown of the pharmaceutical industry’s assertion that it need to price gouge so it can invest in R&D. Profits go almost entirely to various forms of looting.
Read more...Our results add to a growing body of evidence linking pharmaceutical payments to changes in prescribing behaviour
Read more...If you are worried about repo, you are worried about the wrong thing. If anything, it’s a symptom of too much liquidity demand from the FX swaps market.
Read more...Data supports the idea that lax monetary policy contributes to bubbles. Yes, Virginia, some regard that claim as controversial.
Read more...A meaty new paper by Michael Hudson.
Read more...Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped!, a new book on Uber, draws fundamentally false conclusions about the company.
Read more...The messy politics of the 48 state Google anti-trust investigation.
Read more...Don’t trust business listings in Google Maps. They’re can be fraudulent, even dangerous.
Read more...A dubious proposal to continue over-reliance on monetary policy, this time with a quantitative easing scheme, instead of fiscal spending.
Read more...Yves here. Carbon dividends are a way to create support for setting a price for carbon. None other than those starry-eyed granola heads at Financial Times called for setting a price for carbon in 2007. Pigovian taxes (ones meant to discourage activity, like transactions taxes) should typically not be seen as revenue generators, since you […]