Category Archives: Market inefficiencies

Michael Hudson: Why Frances Coppola’s “The Case for the People’s Quantitative Easing” Is for Banks, Not the People

A dubious proposal to continue over-reliance on monetary policy, this time with a quantitative easing scheme, instead of fiscal spending.


Carbon Dividends: A Plan for Earth’s Survival that Can Survive U.S. Politics?

Yves here. Carbon dividends are a way to create support for setting a price for carbon. None other than those starry-eyed granola heads at Financial Times called for setting a price for carbon in 2007. Pigovian taxes (ones meant to discourage activity, like transactions taxes) should typically not be seen as revenue generators, since you […]


Nobel Economist Angus Deaton: Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism

Angus Deaton argues that the present level of inequality is a threat to “democratic capitalism” but contends that historically, even more severe inequality has been reversed.


FANGMAN Stocks Crushed by Potential “Unprecedented, Wide-Ranging Probe” into Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon

The authorities have come to realize that monopolists like Google and Amazon aren’t good for the health of the economy or even (despite their tech sheen) “innovation”.