Catch Us on Harry Shearer’s Le Show Today
Hope you have the opportunity to tune in. You can find local broadcast times here.
Read more...Hope you have the opportunity to tune in. You can find local broadcast times here.
Read more...We discuss what the role of banks should be, given how much government support they have, on Real News Network. Enjoy!
Read more...I quite enjoy the host on this segment. We had a good talk about the usual topics, the state of the markets, with a focus on Europe and the banks.
Read more...I haven’t done this show before and quite enjoyed the chat, although I did muff words in a couple of places. I’m finding that I seemed to be banned from US TV channels, but the flip side is this was a much more substantive conversation than you’d find on the usual suspects here.
Hope you enjoy the segment.
Read more...This was the weirdest little booth at NASDAQ. The seat was at an off angle to the camera, and I couldn’t sit up straight without bumping my head against the glass behind me, which is curved. So I look a bit whopperjawed and uncomfortable at the top but I think it came out fine in the end.
Read more...I had hesitated to post this video, since I wasn’t too happy about it. Just before the segment was about to start, I got a cross feed on the audio, which meant I was listening to another show! I had to open the door to my itty bitty booth and yell to the production guys to fix it (I was already tethered so I couldn’t really go anywhere). This happened twice. The remote video was also on a big delay, so I couldn’t watch it to see my hosts.
I think that got me sufficiently adrenalined up that I got a bit stroopy and also invoking ideas (like gold standard versus fiat currency constraints) without explaining them enough.
Oh well. One reader thought it was OK and chided me for not linking to it. Hope you like it.
Read more...This was a wide-ranging talk on US housing with the very well informed hosts at BNN. Enjoy!
Read more...Time Magazine has developed a list of best financial blogs. Naked Capitalism is on the list, as are the other usual suspects plus some names readers might find surprising.
Each blog gets a mini-review. Ours is here; we also reviewed The Big Picture.
Read more...Our session with Harry Shearer last year was so well received that he is rebroadcasting it on Sunday. Check here to find the time in your local area if you missed it on the first go-round.
Read more...The centenary of Reagan’s birth is providing an excuse for trotting out a lot of hoary old myths and selective history about the 40th president. We gave a bit of an antidote on the Real News Network.
As much as I thought this clip came out well, I have a minor quibble, and wished the folks at Real News Network had not invoked the expression “free market” in the headline on their site. It’s a dangerous bit of propaganda, a malleable, often slippery concept (per Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty “It means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less”) and is rife with internal contradictions (see our long form discussion in ECONNED for details). The equivalent expression in the 1960s was “free enterprise” and that conveyed far more accurately whose interests were really served by the sort of liberalization being sought.
Read more...In addition to his weekday television show, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan also has a regular radio/podcast. He interviewed Josh Rosner and yours truly on the origins of the financial crisis, which we both agreed started well before the housing bubble.
You can read the transcript at the site, but it has quite a few errors, and I’d recommending listening instead. Rosner is an emphatic, almost theatrical speaker, so I think you will enjoy the conversation.
Get the podcast here:
Read more...We followed Chris Whalen, who gave a pretty apocalyptic prognosis for 2011.
You can view the segment here. Enjoy!
Read more...We are on Harry Shearer’s Le Show, a full hour interview on the mortgage mess. Harry really did his homework, so I think readers will enjoy the conversation. It’s “live” at 1 PM EST, then runs throughout the day at various times on public radio stations around the country, including 7 PM on WNYC-AM in […]
Read more...Hope you enjoy the second part of our discussion on Real News Network. Part 1 is here. More at The Real News