The West and the War in Ukraine: Selling and Buying Hopium
Despite some press stories and orthodox pundits acknowledging that things are going badly for Ukraine, there is way too much delusion.
Read more...Despite some press stories and orthodox pundits acknowledging that things are going badly for Ukraine, there is way too much delusion.
Read more...The FDA attempts to distance itself from its earlier hostility to Ivermectin as a Covid remedy, but too many people have good memories.
Read more...A US propaganda outlet frets over Niger.
Read more...Satyajit Das takes a gander through a large sample of recent economic books and has some unexpected findings.
Read more...Spats between Polish and Ukrainian officials reflect divergences in interests which they may no longer be able to paper over.
Read more...The veneer of NATO superiority is cracking as the Ukraine and its sponsors engage in a blame game over why the war is going so badly.
Read more...Some reviewers of the movie Oppenheimer such as Scott Ritter criticize if for effectively whitewashing the horror of nuclear strikes
Read more...What sure looks like an NIH study to improve the medical establishment’s propaganda skills had died a well-deserved death.
Read more...Oh frabjous day! RFK, Jr. has lobbed a very big bomb at the heart of the censorship apparatus.
Read more...Rob Urie makes a reasoned, data-backed case that the tools used in supposed democracies to enforce class standing merit the label of fascism
Read more...Russia is dialing down expectations for big BRICS developments at a late August summit.
Read more...The financial press and Mr. Market shrugged off the Fitch downgrade of US government debt from AAA to AA+. Why?
Read more...Gonzalo Lira is alive after being tortured in prison. He is tryng to flee Urkaine, witih tacit approval of the authorities. Wish him luck.
Read more...Some badly-needed naming and shaming of soi-disant influencers who ran undisclosed advertorials for dirty energy companies
Read more...Hunter Biden seems to have quite the affinity for hot water. Judge Noreika has sent his irregular plea deal back to the drawing board.