Category Archives: Media watch

CalPERS Corruption Watch: Chief Investment Officer Ted Eliopoulos Takes Illegal Business Solicitations From Recent Employee

On the one hand, the latest public disclosure of misconduct by CalPERS executives and staff isn’t earthshaking. On the other, it was still significant enough to merit a Financial Times story. And it also illustrates a thumb-nosing attitude toward the law that has become a CalPERS trademark. In a Financial Times FundFire article, Ex-CalPERS Exec’s […]


What Do Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Dick Cheney, Oprah Winfrey, Erin Brockovich, Stephen Hawking, Harrison Ford, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Jon Krakauer, Michelle Obama, Dan Rathers, Malcolm Gladwell, and Yours Truly Have in Common? Smeared by a Soros-Funded Think Tank for Appearing on RT

Another day, another McCarthyite blacklist, this one of people who have appeared on RT, which turns out to be quite a star-studded list.