Hail to the Chief? Scuppering White House Press Corps Traditions
Sean Spicer makes changes to reduce the power of the traditional White House gatekeeper press and increase outsider access; Trump disses nerd prom.
Read more...Sean Spicer makes changes to reduce the power of the traditional White House gatekeeper press and increase outsider access; Trump disses nerd prom.
Read more...By Hubert Horan, who has 40 years of experience in the management and regulation of transportation companies (primarily airlines). Horan has no financial links with any urban car service industry competitors, investors or regulators, or any firms that work on behalf of industry participants Brad Stone’s new book “The Upstarts,” is subtitled “How Uber, Airbnb, […]
Read more...A look beyond the headline noise to gauge how Trump is faring with the public
Read more...An in-depth study of Associated Press reporter Lina Lerer’s work during the 2016 Democratic primary shows a marked anti-Sanders slant.
Read more...How the big telcos have bought off so-called civil rights groups, who are pushing hard to end net neutrality.
Read more...As part of reviewing Obama’s legacy, Bill Black eviscerates how Sorkin’s book tried to exhonorate Hank Paulson for his crisis performance.
Read more...The Los Angeles Times weighs in on a story we broke. It sharply criticizes CalPERS trustees for trying to gag their most effective member.
Read more...On political and media hypocrisy.
Read more...More discussion of defenses of Uber and how none of them deal with the economics of providing car ride services.
Read more...There are many things for progressives to criticize Trump about. The Obama mortgage deduction sleight of hand isn’t one of them.
Read more...The Western media goes after Putin on shaky grounds. Evidently, getting him on identity politics sins is more important than real dirt.
Read more...The media overinvests in covering Trump’s antics at the expense of his corporate-friendly policies.
Read more...Municipal bond publication The Bond Buyer gives itself a black eye by touting a ripoff of a sewer and water authority as a good deal.
Read more...If “fake news” is a problem, then it’s a condemnation of the marketplace of ideas largely created by the US.
Read more...Drone warfare as an example of how the military uses overly-cozy news outlets to sell its pet initiatives.