Category Archives: Media watch

London Capital and the Bryan Cook – Thomas Yi Scam Spree, 2010 to 2015

Yves here. Richard Smith is on the trail of what looks to be his biggest international scam find ever, orders of magnitude larger than the usual below the radar single to low double digit million dollar/pound/euro operation that he has ferreted out in the past. And mind you, even though he focuses on the dubious […]


Clinical Trial Transparency Effort Encounters Deafening Silence in US Launch; Agnotology or Anechoic Effect?

A successful initiative in the UK to obtain more registration and publication of clinical trial data has had its US launch utterly ignored , not simply the mainstream media but also the logical suspects in the medical trade press and scholarly journals..


Media Hypes Praluent, the Next Expensive “Blockbuster” Not Yet Shown to Benefit Patients

Another example of the corruption of science: the press falls all over itself hyping Praluent, a new cholesterol-lowering drug with remarkably inconclusive clinical trial data behind it. As Roy Poses points out, “The clinical benefit of the drug was not evident in this trial.”


What is the IMF?

By Nathan Tankus, a writer from New York City. Follow him on Twitter at @NathanTankus International political economy is filled with an alphabet soup of organizations that govern all different areas of economic life. Journalists and other commentators tend to talk about these organizations like they have singular positions and immutable opinions. They do not. Instead […]