IMF Staff Attempts to Spread Discord Over Greek Bailout to IMF Board
Nathan Tankus reports on the latest developments in the IMF staff’s growing war against a deal. Can they succeed in sowing dissent?
Read more...Nathan Tankus reports on the latest developments in the IMF staff’s growing war against a deal. Can they succeed in sowing dissent?
Read more...The scandal over CalPERS’ failure to track “carry fees” has the industry worried enough that it is offering up ludicrous rationalizations.
Read more...Filling in some details on a bombshell report about a call that Varoufakis had with hedge fund managers about a parallel currency.
Read more...Memo to CalSTRS: When you are in a hole, stop digging.
Read more...Promontory Group, which plays a major role in helping financial firms tilt the regulatory playing field in their favor, is about to get a long-overdue comeuppance.
Read more...A carry fee reporting scandal that started at CalPERS has spread to CalSTRS as California Treasurer John Chiang says he’ll ask questions.
Read more...The endless march of misreporting on the IMF and Lagarde’s statements continues.
Read more...By Nathan Tankus, a writer from New York City. Follow him on Twitter at @NathanTankus Earlier this week I did a detailed analysis of the way the media misreported Lew and Lagarde’s statements last week regarding Greece. Yesterday this type of misreporting reared its ugly head again when an update to the Debt Sustainability report […]
Read more...Most people don’t think too hard about the fact that there is a price for secrecy, and when the truth is dangerous, the price is high.
Read more...By Nathan Tankus, a writer from New York City. Follow him on Twitter at @NathanTankus Part of the difficulty of writing in detail about the Greek crisis is how awful the reporting is. Headlines often say misleading or outright lies, backed up by articles that are usually somewhat less misleading but require strong parsing to […]
Read more...Reporting on the Libor criminal trial in the UK ranges from lame to non-existent.
Read more...Unexpectedly strong poll momentum and event turnout for Bernie Sanders has the Clinton campaign starting to get concerned.
Read more...Elizabeth Warren has stymied the nomination of yet another corporate stooge to an important regulatory post, that of SEC commissioner, at least if the howling from Wall Street is any guide.
Read more...We’ve been giving some attention to the Bernie Sanders campaign because it is serving the important function of moving what the media regards as acceptable political discourse to the left. And as a sign that Sanders is moving up in the world, the Grey Lady has published an oh-so-carefully dismissive profile
Read more...CalPERS is in even more hot water as the influential Sacramento Bee raises its eyebrows about CalPERS’ lack of attentiveness about fees.