Category Archives: Media watch

Mirabile Dictu! Fox News is Suing Treasury Department for Stonewalling Freedom of Information Act Requests

The end of days must be closer than I realized. Conservative stalwart Fox News is not only taking on the officialdom, it is going after Republican authorities. This is almost as much fun as learning that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser. But then again, Fox is going after the AIG rescue and the TARP, […]


New York Times Pulls Punches On Wall Street Bubble Era Pay

Why is no one willing to call things by their proper names, and instead resort to euphemism and double-speak? A New York Times story today, “On Wall Street, Bonuses, Not Profits, Were Real,” makes its most important point in its headline, and managed to get some good data points on how rich investment bank compensation […]


OPEC to Cut Daily Crude Production by 2.5 Million Barrels, But WSJ Reports as 4.2 Million

From MarketWatch (weirdly, do not see referenced story on Wall Street Journal site, hat tip reader Scott): The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has decided to cut its oil output by 4.2 million barrels a day from September levels, or 2.2 million barrels a day from current output, the Wall Street Journal reported on its […]


Boston Globe Article on Econoblogs

Nice piece, “Inside the Influential World of Econobloggers,” by Steve Miln which got prominent placement in the Boston Globe Sunday Ideas section. A good piece generally, with one minor frustration: one of our posts was mentioned by title in the third paragraph, without indicating the source (the first mention of NC didn’t occur until the […]


New Downbeat Tone on Oil

One robin does not make a spring, but I was struck by the subtext of this article at Bloomberg, “OPEC Failure Foretells Decline 10 Years After $10 Oil.” The mention of $10 oil is an odd bit of anchoring. And the general tone is surprisingly pessimistic. Key excerpts: A decade after OPEC failed to prevent […]


GM Tells Us Why They Need to Be Saved, on YouTube

It’s the collateral damage… think of all those innocents who had nothing to do with GM’s recidivist mismanagement who will nevertheless be hurt This probably will not go down as a classic (say, the Apple 1984 commercial or the “Harry and Louise” campaign that helped torpedo the Clinton health care plan). And there is a […]


Paulson Now Admits Mendacity

As readers may have noticed, we have gotten exercised about how brazenly the Treasury has been in lavishing cash on favored interests. Felix Salmon took up the theme, admittedly with less choler: There does indeed seem to have been a visible change in Treasury policy since the election. Until that point, it cared a little […]


Fed Reverses Self on Promises of Transparency, Continues to Stonewall on Collateral, Lending Disclosure

As this Bloomberg article discusses in detail, the Fed has violated promises it made to Congress, both regarding the amount it would lend (the amounts are vastly in excess of anything envisaged) and its commitments about transparency (which have gone completely by the wayside). Bloomberg has petitioned to get certain details disclosed via a Freedom […]


Surprisingly Superficial New York Times Article on Troubled Private Equity Deals

A story by Andrew Ross Sorkin and Michael de la Merced, “Debt Linked to Huge Buyouts Is Tightening the Economic Vise,” covers the fact that private equity deals, which as a matter of course feature high leverage, are starting to hit the wall as the economy sours. This is hardly surprising; it’s happened in past […]


Paulson vs. Bank Execs: Who is Telling the Truth?

These statements occur within a mere six paragraphs of each other in a Wall Street Journal story, “Devil Is in Bailout’s Details‘: Upending the government’s relationship with the financial sector, the Bush administration outlined a plan Tuesday to prop up banks by injecting $250 billion into U.S. financial institutions…. The government is making clear it […]


Mitsubishi Agrees Revised Terms on $9 Billion Investment in Morgan Stanley

The revised terms are similar to those discussed last night, with the Japanese bank investing the same amount but receiving an increased ownership stake (21%) and receiving more in preferred stock. Note confusion in the Journal article: the news alert, says, “MUFG Closes Morgan Stanley Investment With Revised Terms” when the story itself says both […]