Category Archives: Media watch

Ben Stein and Space Aliens

I do not want to step on the turf of fellow blogger Felix Salmon, who has established a new feature, the Ben Stein Watch, to commemorate the generally deranged and uncomfortably close to stream-of-consciousness output of the Sunday New York Times columnist who styles himself as “lawyer, writer, actor and economist.” Well, at least he […]


Conventional Wisdom Watch (Financial Innovation Edition)

Even though I have said some unkind things about the Economist, once you get outside the world of politics, it is a very good guide to leading edge conventional wisdom. What do I mean by “leading edge conventional wisdom?” It is the sort of thinking dispensed by well regarded think tanks and private sector experts […]


On the Canard that Subprimes Are Good for Borrowers

I assume that a high proportion of readers of this blog also follow Calculated Risk. I nevertheless wanted to comment on a particularly good post by Tanta on a favorite topic of mine, the efforts of the financial services industry to maintain that Suprimes Are Good For The Poor. Extensive news coverage of on-the-ropes borrowers […]


The SIV Rescue Plan: Dissed Again by the Journal

Hank Paulson must be very unhappy with the Wall Street Journal. While the newspaper briefly fell into line and issued one story that reported that the his pet project, the structured investment vehicle rescue plan, was getting traction, pretty much all its news coverage coverage has been skeptical, and its editorial comments have been downright […]


SIV Rescue Plan: From Smoke and Mirrors to Jawboning

Last Sunday, we made this observation about the SIV rescue plan, the so-called Master Liquidity Enhancement Conduit (MLEC), sponsored by Citigroup, JP Morgan, and Bank of America: Yesterday, we voiced doubts that this program could get done. Now that we understand that the primary goals is legerdemain, we think that it is likely that some […]


"Why Debunking Myths Can Backfire"

An excellent post, courtesy Mark Thoma at Economist’s View, from, on why its efforts to correct the record are too often counterproductive. In essence, if ideas are falsely linked (say “Saddam Hussein” and “Al Queda”), further discussion preserves the false association. The entire post is very much worth reading; it’s a primer on how […]


Wonder Why No One Has Touched This Story With a Ten Foot Pole

“SOS to the SEC,” from the New York Post: Did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke give away any secrets to Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson when the two had an hour-long lunch on Aug. 16? And did Paulson share what he and Bernanke discussed with anyone in the hours immediately after that lunch?Those are two key […]


Mirabile Dictu: Wall Street Journal Says Income Inequality is Rising

After denying the existence of rising disparities in income and wealth on it editorial pages, the Wall Street tells us that income inequality is indeed on the rise. It’s a refreshing change from January, when the Journal misrepresented a speech by New York Fed President Timothy Geithner in which he said that the growing concentration […]