Is the Endgame with Iran About to Begin?
An update on US escalatory noises about Iran.
Read more...An update on US escalatory noises about Iran.
Read more...More systematic war crimes by the IDF, covered up as supposedly just a few outlier cases.
Read more...The case that it’s about preparing for conflict with China.
Read more...The woke imperium is dead. Long live the American AI “post-democratic” empire.
Read more...An uber neocon contends that Europe has found substitutes for Russian energy and so can and will increase sanctions on Russia.
Read more...In addition to Greenland and the Panama Canal, Washington is doubling down on efforts to “dominate” naval theaters in a conflict with China.
Read more...The US plans further sanctions on intermediaries like tankers and broker that facilitate Iran oil sales to China. Will they work?
Read more...Many in the West now deny imperialism. But even the Economist now sees Trump’s revival of this US legacy.
Read more...It looks more like an attempt to bring under control rogue agencies that were hostile to Trump during his first term in office as well as a shift in the type of “values” the US will support abroad.
Read more...Trump and Netanyahu have gone all in on ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
Read more...Sadly Netanyahu is trying to slip the noose of the much-ballyhooed Gaza ceasefire deal and may succeed.
Read more...A discussion of some moves Trump is expected to take to try to contain China, starting with energy and avoiding use of the dollar.
Read more...Yanis Varoufakis contends that even though Israel’s genocide in Gaza looks unstoppable, that the costs to Israel will keep rising.
Read more...As Erdogan’s hand weakens and the US-Israel look towards Iran, signs point to Türkiye backing down.
Read more...Michael Hudson provides a new, wide-ranging talk on the US hegemony-preservation efforts and what they mean for Europe, Russia, and BRICS.