Michael Hudson: Cracks in the Empire – Is the American Superpower Fading?
Michael Hudson provides a new, wide-ranging talk on the US hegemony-preservation efforts and what they mean for Europe, Russia, and BRICS.
Read more...Michael Hudson provides a new, wide-ranging talk on the US hegemony-preservation efforts and what they mean for Europe, Russia, and BRICS.
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Read more...Why are US environmental groups so silent about the empire’s global warmaking?
Read more...A new neocon scheme, reportedly with backing among incoming Trump officials, to bring Russia to its knees with improved energy sanctions.
Read more...A new study tries to find out how extensive self-censorship is among university teaching staff.
Read more...Israel is in the midst of a land grab in Syria. Ex Ansar Allah, the disapproving world majority merely finger-wags.
Read more...Another post-mortem on Syria’s collapse, here on the Russia-Axis of Resistance non-relationship.
Read more...How the sudden collapse of the Syrian government exposes fundamental weaknesses in the BRICS initiative.
Read more...Ankara burns bridges with Beijing and Moscow and is now stuck with Syrian albatross around the neck as emboldened Turkish imperialists eye future conquests.
Read more...Looking at the large population of Syrian refugees and what that portends.
Read more...A wide-ranging overview of the truce in Lebanon and what might come next.
Read more...Ankara’s ongoing support for extremist paramilitary groups in Syria threatens ties with Russia and China, and by aiding Israel he insults the Turkish people who overwhelmingly oppose US-Israel actions in the region.
Read more...An initial look at the ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon.
Read more...Silicon Valley looks to bring tech used in conflicts abroad back to American shores.