George Herbert Walker Bush and the Myth of the ‘Good’ Gulf War
Correcting revisionist history about Bush the Senior and the first Gulf War.
Read more...Correcting revisionist history about Bush the Senior and the first Gulf War.
Read more...Financial crime is a feature of our global financial system not a bug, pioneering economist Susan Strange recognized.
Read more...Bronze Age societies forgave agricultural debt to keep cultivators working on their land, able to pay taxes and work in the military and on public projects. Lenders were seen as greedy and exploitative.
Read more...Grocery chains as yet another example of private equity looting, and what policymakers should do to stop that.
Read more...All the initiatives that want to make AI ethical seem to think it’s about adding something i.e. ethics, instead of about revealing the value-laden-ness at every level of computation, right down to the mathematics.
Read more...How Dodd-Frank left banks’ massive lending and safety-net subsidies intact.
Read more...If she succeeds, the survival efforts of CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost will come at a cost to the giant pension fund.
Read more...Derivatives remain an untamed systemic risk.
Read more...Follow the subsidies, and you will understand why we had the crisis and why not enough has been done to prevent a recurrence.
Read more...Looking at the costs of and some possible responses to regulatory capture.
Read more...A look at how long and how deeply the US has been mired in its many wars.
Read more...Reconfirming the findings of a study that debunked some key claims about the supposed benefit of stock buybacks.
Read more...Why is it entirely sensible to regard stock markets as Ponzi schemes.
Read more...McKinsey is unhappy that the New York Times did a serious investigative story on a major scandal in South Africa….when the Times pulled some of its punches.
Read more...Mirowski on the Koch brothers scandal at George Mason University.