Oxford Pledged to Donate Covid Vaccine Rights, Then Sold Them, Thanks to Bill Gates
Oxford planned an anti-capitalist solution for a global health problem. Then Bill Gates got involved.
Read more...Oxford planned an anti-capitalist solution for a global health problem. Then Bill Gates got involved.
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Read more...America’s inability to devise and implement Covid-containment strategies in schools illustrates why the disease won’t be vanquished soon.
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Read more...Yves here. Many associate sweatshops in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh with “fast fashion,” aka the close-to-disposable frocks made by the likes of H&M. As this article explains, the use of ultra-cheap labor extends much further up the fashion food food chain. And these poorly-paid workers get thrown to the curb when orders fall off. By […]
Read more...How Covid is extending the reach of crapification.
Read more...Fire sales are not as detrimental as executives desperate to save their jobs would have you believe. That means bailouts may be overdone.
Read more...Realism on covid variants and immunity, the failure of herd immunity in Manaus, and how Vietnam fought Covid and won.