Government-Funded Scientists Laid the Groundwork for Billion-Dollar Vaccines
Muxh of the initial funding for COVID-19 vaccines originally arose from federally-funded research. Socialize costs, privatize profits.
Read more...Muxh of the initial funding for COVID-19 vaccines originally arose from federally-funded research. Socialize costs, privatize profits.
Read more...UK councils were already in trouble due to austerity, inflated charges for services, and mismanagement. Covid is set to generate bankruptcies
Read more...The COVID-19 crisis may worsen inequality and push more than 70 million people into extreme poverty, according to the United Nations.
Read more...Absent immediate and drastic action to limit plastics use, global emissions will increase as incineration is used for waste disposal.
Read more...By using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Biden could improve worker safety during the pandemic without Congress’s help.
Read more...Ticketmaster wants to use technology to make events safer. Too bad its ideas are intrusive and medically questionable.
Read more...Tenants face harassment and lockouts to pressure them to leave their homes — but renters are fighting back.
Read more...Could officials use carrots rather than a stick to induce short-term closures of high risk businesses like restaurants?
Read more...And just when you started to think an effective Covid vaccine would fix everything….
Read more...Matt Taibbi describes why the Democrats are likely to draw all the wrong lessons from their shabby 2020 results.
Read more...The more you look at Pfizer’s vaccine, the more you have to think they really really needed that first mover advantage.
Read more...The Biden transition team has abandoned most of the Biden campaign Covid promises, particuarly the ones that cost money.
Read more...High-quality before and after tests in the Netherlands suggest at-home lockdown education was a complete bust for primary school kids.
Read more...Jobs not galore. And the target keeps moving.
Read more...Michael Hudson on how Trump’s policies have not addressed the fundamental forces that gutted industrial jobs under the both parties