Some Remarks on MMT & Marxism in Light of David Harvey’s “Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason”
How Marxists can make use of the MMT framework rather than falling for neoliberal dogma about money and debt.
Read more...How Marxists can make use of the MMT framework rather than falling for neoliberal dogma about money and debt.
Read more...Some examples of stranded funds as yet another way of degrading the customer experience.
Read more...Why banks should not be considered to be private enterprises.
Read more...European officials continue to dither while Italy’s banks burn.
Read more...Reuters discusses the challenge of moving off legacy systems. While the piece is a long overdue, it still seems more than a tad optimistic.
Read more...India radical demonetization policy: Is this a decisive action against the black economy or an ill-considered, damagingly arbitrary act?
Read more...An upcoming Greek bailout is leading to new discussion of the idea of a Grexit. And as before, some well-meaning ideas are wildly impractical.
Read more...Did India’s sudden removal of 86% of hard currency from circulation achieve its aim of fighting corruption? And how much did it hurt growth?
Read more...Latest salvo on cash: European Commission explores setting a maximum limit on cash transactions, to apply cross-regionally from 2018.
Read more...Be warned: European officials have already starting taking tough moves in the war on cash.
Read more...India’s demonetization debacle has destroyed growth in what was the world’s fastest growing economy while failing to ferret out black money.
Read more...Introduction Regular readers will be fully up to speed on the Reserve Bank of India’s botched attempt at a handbrake turn style demonetisation thanks to Jerri-Lynn Scofield’s thorough coverage (see here, here and here for more background on this sorry tale). But the Indian government’s attempt at implementing a strategy of moving an economy away from physical cash […]
Read more...Why Naked Capitalism is, through gritted teeth, left with no realistic alternative than to take donations through the dreadful PayPal
Read more...How a toothless US watchdog, FinCEN, has largely ignored money laundering via Bitcoin and other digital currencies.
Read more...How the New York Times does its readers a huge disservice by not telling them that so-called “instant payment services” are anything but that.