Libra Unraveling: Network of “Partners” Like Visa and Mastercard Refusing Even to Give Lip Service
Quelle surprise! Facebook’s touted Libra partners are getting cold feet.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Facebook’s touted Libra partners are getting cold feet.
Read more...Mark Carney talks about digital soverign currencies. But is he really describing nationalization? And if so, whither the commercial banks?
Read more...Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s proposal to invent to replace the US dollar as the key reserve currency with a “synthetic hegemonic currency.”
Read more...The article assesses the information as yet made available about Libra, including the implications for its exchangeability, scalability, privacy, and security. It is clear the design of the currency is yet to be finished, and many questions remain about its governance and structure.
Read more...What is Libra supposed to bring to us that we don’t have already? Freedom from legacy currencies will have a high price to pay.
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Read more...Like Icarus, the social media monopoly is flying too close to the sun and generating much regulatory heat, which could eventually lead to its downfall.
Read more...Lawernce Wilkerson offers another dose of his pithy commentary on US policy versus Iran.
Read more...Trust issues with Facebook’s Libra for users, regulators, and technically. And is Facebook seeking to become a sovereign?
Read more...Italy is again threatening the Euro via a plan to introduce a parallel currency, the mini-BOT. Will this idea finally push the Eurozone to make overdue reforms?
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Read more...In case you had any doubts, Japan is not following MMT economic policy prescriptions.
Read more...Latest news in the War on Cash: the problem of cash deserts in the UK – areas abandoned by banks, for economic reasons, and that lack ATMs. These tend to be rural areas, or areas of economic deprivation.
Read more...Updating a classic Keynes discussion of war financing for MMT and the Green New Deal.
Read more...Facebook wants to become a big payments system player. Good luck with that.