Peasants Marginalized by Big Farms
Why big farms are often not better.
Read more...Why big farms are often not better.
Read more...UN: Climate-stressed, pollution-degraded farms system must adopt sustainable practices to feed an additional 2 billion by 2050.
Read more...California to launch mandatory residential food waste management program in January.
Read more...Crop shortages are a big contritucor to high food prices, and the fundamentals aren’t likely to revert to the old normal.
Read more...The UN’s FAO publishes first effort report on how the use of plastics in farming erodes the health of soils, threatening food safety and human health.
Read more...“From Dirt to Soil” is well worth a read — and very hopeful, a good thing these days.
Read more...Big Ag’s push to sell chemicals and other inputs to developing countries has worked out great for them and badly for Africa.
Read more...“When it comes to the climate, African faith communities are urging the world to think twice before pushing a technical and corporate farming approach.”
Read more...Climate change activists too often wind up bypassing core issues. Here are a couple of them.
Read more...How to rescue Miami…and other coastal cities that will otherwise be largely under water.
Read more...The Gates Foundation and the WEF are steamrolling normal UN processes as part of a campaign to discredit sound agroecology practices.
Read more...Brain science, and gardening!
Read more...“If a lion could speak, we could not understand him” –Wittgenstein. Wrong!
Read more...Cats, “wet bulb” temperature, and life without air conditioning.
Read more...Mega-corporations are set to win control of global governance of food and agriculture at the UN Food Systems Summit later this year.