Category Archives: Politics

NYC Set to Pass Food Delivery App Laws Securing Workers Minimum Pay, Bathrooms and More

Gig workers, specifically deliveristas, are en route to securing important workplace protections, like minimum wages and bathroom rights.


Can the Economy Afford NOT To Fight Climate Change?

Yves here. If humans are fortunate enough merely to suffer a Jackpot rather than a full-bore collapse, perhaps future historians will try to make sense of why individuals and governments did pretty much squat to prevent climate change even when they recognized it really was well underway and would produce very bad outcomes. I imagine […]


18 Vaccine Experts, Including Top FDA Scientists, Publish Review in The Lancet Saying Current Evidence Doesn’t Support Need for COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for the Fully Vaccinated

Top international vaccine experts contend current evidence does not support a need for boosters for the fully vaccinated general population at this time and recommending instead directing doses to previously unvaccinated populations.