Category Archives: Private equity

Game Finally On! Judge Denies Key Motions to Dismiss in Kentucky Retirement Systems Litigation, Subjecting KKR, Blackstone, PAAMCO, and Top Financiers Henry Kravis, George Roberts, Steve Schwarzman, and Tomlinson Hill to Discovery

The much-delayed Kentucky Retirement System cases are finally moving forward, causing heartburn to some top names on Wall Street.


US Strategy for Great Power Competition: More Graft and Hope for Wonder Weapons

Venture capital and private equity are playing a larger role in the military-industrial complex leading to even more corruption, lack of accountability and the swallowing up of young minds by the Silicon Valley money pit.


Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War Three?

Putin has said Ukraine conflict is existential threat to Russia, but there are signs the Western capitalist class is dealing with their own existential crises. Will their greed get us all killed?


Bizarre Valedictory Interview by CalSTRS Investment Chief, Chris Ailman, Asks Private Equity to Be Nice and Share with Workers

A revealing, and not at all in a good way, discussion of private equity by departing CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Chris Ailman.