Wall Street Mega-Landlord Blackstone Prepares to Reap the Spoils of Another Crisis
Blackstone was a big winner of the last crisis. Now, it hopes to repeat the feat, albeit using a somewhat different playbook.
Read more...Blackstone was a big winner of the last crisis. Now, it hopes to repeat the feat, albeit using a somewhat different playbook.
Read more...Yet another authoritative source slams private equity returns.
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Read more...The Democrats will soon decide which campaign promises will be ignored or walked back. Sandernistas, brace yourselves.
Read more...More bad news about private equity returns.
Read more...CalPERS defied its board by staking a startup fund with a cool $1.5 billion without approval. And on top of that, the deal looks lame.
Read more...CalPERS’ zealous defense of private equity looks pathological. So we hazard a diagnosis.
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Read more...The New York City pension system provides more proof that investing in private equity hurts performance.
Read more...The more we learn about Leon Black’s relationship with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the less there is to like.
Read more...How immient is a bust in private equity related debt?
Read more...Hedge fund managers claw an awful lot in fees out of their investors but the reasons look to be different than for private equity.
Read more...Political scientist Tom Ferguson juxtaposes the factions around Biden with how Roosevelt eventually stared down banks and corporatists in the second phase of the New Deal
Read more...CalPERS’ Board Vice President Theresa Taylor shoots herself and CalPERS in the foot.