Category Archives: Privatization

Paradise Is a Police State: Examining the Techno-Optimism of Billionaire Silicon Valley Investor (And Unofficial Trump Administration Adviser) Marc Andreessen

The unlimited AI and energy now being unleashed is supposed to usher in a new utopia centered around low wages and prices. So why are Andreessen and friends so intent on a police state as part of the grand experiment we’re all being enlisted in?


A Trump Pivot Away From Europe? Not So Fast: The Plunder Is Too Lucrative for American Plutocrats

Europe is now largely an American colony where the tech, energy, weapons, and financial industries are making a killing, so it’s no wonder Trump isn’t going to substantially shift US policy. 


Big Finance, Big Tech AI Titans Ride Next Wave of “Generative Biology”‘ Colonization at COP16

The COP16 biodiversity conference included Big Tech pushing black box “generative biology” AI-created DNA and related financial markets


Naked Capitalism’s Skunk Party Manifesto Finds a Home in the New Kentucky Party

The Skunk Party Manifesto explained how the best political system money can buy is great for its customers and lousy for the rest of us