Grenfell Tower Fire: A (Non-)Progress Report
Plus ça change….
Read more...Plus ça change….
Read more...After the failure and abuses of privatization became apparent, public-private partnerships have since been promoted to mobilize private finance for the public purpose. PPPs have socialized costs and losses while ensuring private financial gains.
Read more...Another fiasco: charter schools in Louisiana.
Read more...A discussion of using bank lending as a way to tackle climate change.
Read more...Why some liberals are coling on charter schools.
Read more...To ensure public acceptability, some benefits accrue to many in the early stages of privatization in order to minimize public resistance. However, in the longer term, privatization tends to enrich a few but typically fails to deliver on its ostensible aims.
Read more...Another UK outsourcing implosion in just over a year….what gives?
Read more...How the Big 4 accountants cemented their position and why that matters.
Read more...The gilets jaunes have arisen out of the profound inequality that is fracturing societies across Europe. It is against that inequality that leaders must take a strong stance.
Read more...The Post Office, its Universal Service Obligation, privatization efforts, how (and possibly why) those efforts are stalled.
Read more...Advocates exaggerate claims that privatization would reduce governments’ fiscal problems while ensuring more efficient, productive, and competitive economies by promoting private entrepreneurship, innovation, and investments.
Read more...Defects in Sanders’ “plan to have a plan” to tax Amazon, and how to cure them.
Read more...My first foray into real Medicare.
Read more...The city of Baltimore is poised to denounce the privatization fairy and reject privatization of its water and sewage system.
Read more...The IMF is back in Argentina. The fund pretends that it’s moved away from borrower-punitive programs, but the evidence says otherwise.