Trump Using Failed Australian “Asset Recycling” to Justify Mass Privatizations
Why would Trump adopt a foreign model for infrastructure that even conservatives deemed a failure? Apparently for the looting.
Read more...Why would Trump adopt a foreign model for infrastructure that even conservatives deemed a failure? Apparently for the looting.
Read more...Quelle surprise! The Tories are scheming against the NHS!
Read more...The myth of the virtues of markets is past its sell-by date. Time for a new guiding principle, and the New Deal may be the place to start.
Read more...A look at the “Trump trade” pearl clutching yesterday.
Read more...More proof that “school choice” as in vouchers, is about profiteering and ideology rather than better education.
Read more...Chicago as a case study in charter school rent extraction.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Card carrying neoliberal David Leonhardt of the New York Times twists facts to try to make a case for charter schools.
Read more...A trio of academics compare charter school tactics to Wall Street’s raiders.
Read more...The sales pitch made by charter school boosters does not hold up to scrutiny.
Read more...An interview with professor Preston Green, whose study found that the most aggressive charter school operators are using Enron-like tactics.
Read more...Following the money behind the campaign against public education.
Read more...We have to follow the money, all the money that flows around our new plutocrat-in-chief to be, and his rich and well connected cronies.
Read more...Why “Buy American” is going to be a tough sale for Trump.
Read more...Chuck Schumer’s nose is getting so long that he needs to get a hacksaw. That does not not bode well for the Democrats standing up to Trump.
Read more...The widely-reported sale of a 19.5% stake in Rosneft to Glencore and Qatar looks like a sham transaction.