Category Archives: Privatization

Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson Discuss the Causes and Politicization of Inflation

Desai and Hudson debunk widely-believed, finance-and-elite-serving myths about inflation.


State of Big Tech 2022: Dismantling National & Global Digital Enclosures

From fintech to food systems to social media, the State of Big Tech offers a blueprint for the 99% to break privatized status-quo enclosures.


The Destiny of Civilization: An Interview with Michael Hudson on Economic Development, Rentierism, Debt, China

Another tour de force with Michael Hudson, covering development, rentierism, economic narratives, debt dynamics, and the rise of China.


CDC, In Yet Another Data Debacle, Fails to Protect You by Butchering Reveal of Covid “Escape” Variant BQ.1*

CDC failed to alert the public to a rapidly doubling and dangerous new variant, BQ.1.* I look at the timeline that shows CDC’s failure to warn, then do a post mortem. Is CDC’s latest betrayal due to malevolence or operational incapacity? Finally, I look at the software CDC depends on, Pangolin.


Some Rural Hospitals Are in Such Bad Shape, Local Governments Are Practically Giving Them Away

John here. This article provides an interesting view of the economics of rural hospitals, which are closing at an alarming rate. In particular, it highlights how counties often negotiate from desperately weak positions, even when they have invested in the infrastructure. Another recent KHN article reported on the start-up Noble Health, which took over two […]