Biden to End Orders Declaring Covid a National Emergency on May 11, Because Why Not?
The pandemic is over when we say it’s over.
Read more...The pandemic is over when we say it’s over.
Read more...Desai and Hudson debunk widely-believed, finance-and-elite-serving myths about inflation.
Read more...Efforts by governments and cities to defund the public library are thankully falleing short due to essential role libraries play.
Read more...From fintech to food systems to social media, the State of Big Tech offers a blueprint for the 99% to break privatized status-quo enclosures.
Read more...Another tour de force with Michael Hudson, covering development, rentierism, economic narratives, debt dynamics, and the rise of China.
Read more...CDC failed to alert the public to a rapidly doubling and dangerous new variant, BQ.1.* I look at the timeline that shows CDC’s failure to warn, then do a post mortem. Is CDC’s latest betrayal due to malevolence or operational incapacity? Finally, I look at the software CDC depends on, Pangolin.
Read more...In the light of the recent cancellation of bus lines and an announced tube fare increase, this piece analyzes the historic benefits to the labor market of a functioning public transport system.
Read more...Turnout in Italy’s election was the lowest since WWII as voters lose faith in a system unable to reverse a declining standard of living.
Read more...The gutting of USPS is accelerating. A step backwards for what passes as American civilization.
Read more...By opposing deep democratic reforms from below, Gorbachev laid the groundwork for privatization and the looting of the 1990s.
Read more...John here. This article provides an interesting view of the economics of rural hospitals, which are closing at an alarming rate. In particular, it highlights how counties often negotiate from desperately weak positions, even when they have invested in the infrastructure. Another recent KHN article reported on the start-up Noble Health, which took over two […]
Read more...By John McGregor, a translator and political violence researcher Cyber attacks targeting private sector providers for essential public services result in additional waste of public resources. When public health care fails in cyber security, politicians are quick to blame staff on the ground. But when private companies become the weak link, state resources are spent […]
Read more...Truss and Sunak treat the Iron Lady as their muse, while Labour touts another flavor of neoliberalism, that of Tony Blair.
Read more...Has Johnson left a lasting mark on the Tories, or is it merely that he overshadows his entirely underwhelming potential successors?
Read more...John Bellamy Foster explains the plans to create assets on the back of everything nature does and expropriate it from the global commons.