A Hard Look at Rent and Rent Seeking with Michael Hudson & Pepe Escobar
An in-depth discussion of financial capitalism versus earlier models and the Chinese and Russian approach, with a focus on the role of rent.
Read more...An in-depth discussion of financial capitalism versus earlier models and the Chinese and Russian approach, with a focus on the role of rent.
Read more...Exclusive: UK government sneaks through new NHS COVID data contract, despite legal challenges.
Read more...More on “Whither China?”
Read more...Medicare is not looking good.
Read more...UK councils were already in trouble due to austerity, inflated charges for services, and mismanagement. Covid is set to generate bankruptcies
Read more...The World Bank finally gives up defending its controversial but influential Doing Business Report. It’s about time.
Read more...Some vignettes from the rise of outsourcing.
Read more...McKinsey and some other big consulting names are taking advantage of Covid-overwhelmed state governments.
Read more...A pre-election reminder of the importance of saving the Post Office.
Read more...The rich paid for protection from wildfires while the poor burned. A harbinger of the class divide in coming climate disasters?
Read more...Could progressives obtain power through a Progressive International movement?
Read more...The Postal Service is getting whacked for service degradation that critics believe has a lot to do with upcoming voting by mail.
Read more...The latest sordid episode in the teardown of the US mail service.
Read more...Due to the economic fallout of Covid-19, charter schools added to systemic inequities that afflict black communities.
Read more...Amid debates over costs—and profits—from a coronavirus vaccine, a new study shows that taxpayers footed the bill for every new drug approved from 2010 to 2019