Category Archives: Real estate

Climate Change: Insuring the World of Tomorrow

Leading edge conventional wisdom on the role of insurance as climate disasters increase underestimates the severity of the problem.


How Climate Denial is Fueling a U.S. Homeowners Insurance Crisis and Risking a 2008-Style Financial Meltdown

A climate-change-driven insurance and eventual mortgage/housing price crisis is getting momentum. And unlike 2008, price recovery is unlikely


Actuaries and Scientists Warn Climate Shocks Risk ‘Planetary Insolvency’ as Power Struggles About How to Rebuild LA Begin

A new report shows a 50% GDP fall from 2070 to 2090 due to climate change. Los Angeles gives a taste of coming struggles about what to do.


Rebuilding Rate for Santa Cruz Mountains Lightning Complex Fire Bodes Ill for Los Angeles Reconstruction, Even Before Getting to Insolvency of California State FAIR Plan Wildfire Insurance

The pace of rebuilding after the Santa Cruz Mountains wildfire in 2000 bodes ill for the likely speed of Los Angeles reconstruction.