Wolf Richter: Who Holds the $1.65 Trillion of Apartment Building Debt amid Eviction Bans and Plunging Occupancy Rates at High Rises?
How much apartment building debt is there, and who holds it?
Read more...How much apartment building debt is there, and who holds it?
Read more...Tne Grenfell Tower Inquiry digs up some gruesome corporate dealing, plus the UK’s property market could seize up.
Read more...Pandemic-starved businesses are facing off against landlords who want rent paid. New York City illustrates some of the legal and practical issues.
Read more...The WTO is set to consider a proposal supported by 99 countries to waive intellectual property protection for Covid treatments.
Read more...Extrapolating from well-advanced Covid developments leads to some ugly destinations.
Read more...Tenants face harassment and lockouts to pressure them to leave their homes — but renters are fighting back.
Read more...Housing itself is just the most egregious tip of a very large iceberg. Everywhere you look, COVID-19 is widening the gulf between those who own assets and those who owe debts.
Read more...New York City’s struggle between commercial landlords and their tenants over rents owed versus lousy recovery prospects reveals a lot about perverse incentives.
Read more...The foreclosure crisis was a key element of Trump’s win in 2016, yet the Democrats are still in denial about its costs.
Read more...Winter is coming, and unless something major changes, with it, evictions.
Read more...A contrarian take on housing.
Read more...The New York City pension system provides more proof that investing in private equity hurts performance.
Read more...Another tour de force by Michael Hudson, this one stressing the role of unproductive real estate in modern debt bondage and Trump’s MMT.
Read more...Tracking the damage in big city residential rents.
Read more...New York City disproves popular beliefs about flight from cities and rent declines.