Michael Hudson: The Vocabulary of Economic Deception
Michael Hudson gives a wide-ranging interview, discussing the importance of euphemism in obscuring power relationships and exploitation.
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a wide-ranging interview, discussing the importance of euphemism in obscuring power relationships and exploitation.
Read more...Confirming Airbnb’s effects on rentals and home prices.
Read more...Australia looks to be on the verge of a nasty unwind of its housing bubble. A plunge would damage not only its banks but also retirement funds, since banks play an outsized role in the Australian stock market.
Read more...Blackstone is a major operator in the Spanish property market. This post discusses the Spanish government’s plans to enact modest protections for tenants by reforming rent laws. Will the government respond to tenant needs, or give way to the private equity firm’s implicit threat to reduce its Spanish property investments? Alas, it looks likely that the government will fail to deliver on its reform pledge.
Read more...Until 2008, rising home values gave the middle class a cushion amid growing income inequality. But following the financial crisis, that wealth has failed to return.
Read more...Rising rental costs put a spotlight on how it is even harder than ever for ordinary workers to get by.
Read more...Explaining a fundamental error in a widely-touted paper on HAMP modifications.
Read more...Some of the analytical sleights of hand used to promote the ideology of financializatation.
Read more...How a new paper on HAMP manages, by not understanding the program. to whitewash it as well as promote financialization.
Read more...Michael Hudson on his themes of how banks are mainly funding real estate rather than the economy and the problem of failing to write down debt that can’t be repaid.
Read more...A key piece of stripper-turned-MAGA bomber Cesar Sayoc’s slide into financial ruin.
Read more...This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1441 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser and […]
Read more...Clearing up a widespread misperception about tax.
Read more...Urban apartment development all over the US has been heavily skewed towards luxury units, even though there isn’t enough demand for all the supply.
Read more...Why you should take conventional wisdom about the Lehman collapse and the crisis with a fistful of salt.