The Global War on Cash – India’s Demonetization Debacle
India’s demonetization debacle has destroyed growth in what was the world’s fastest growing economy while failing to ferret out black money.
Read more...India’s demonetization debacle has destroyed growth in what was the world’s fastest growing economy while failing to ferret out black money.
Read more...Deutsche came off well in a mortgage settlement with the DoJ, while Barclay’s decision to fight doesn’t look so smart.
Read more...To what degree is Trump Tower a canary in the coal mine for New York City’s residential real estate market?
Read more...Michael Hudson debunks the myth that rising home prices are always a boon to homeowners.
Read more...Why China’s fabulously leveraged housing market may finally be on the verge of a long-anticipated implosion.
Read more...This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1039 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in financial realm. Please join us and participate via our Tip Jar, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser, what we’ve […]
Read more...How the housing bubble is restructuring Australian society. Are the same patterns emerging in your country?
Read more...More evidence that housing bubbles distort economic activity and act as a damper on growth.
Read more...The rising share of income accruing to housing is a key feature of the changing US income distribution. This column examines the determinants of this phenomenon. The rise occurred due to an increasing share of income accruing to owner-occupiers through imputed rent, it is concentrated in states that are constrained in terms of new housing supply, and it is closely associated with the long-run decline in real interest rates and inflation.
Read more...How Cerberus is using a real estate looting strategy to salvage its purchase of Steward Health Care….at the expense of the operations, natch.
Read more...More concerned tea-leaf reading in the wake of a BIS report that sounded alarms about China’s debt growth.
Read more...The Obama Administration is trying to wrap up long-overdue mortgage-related cases, with Deutsche and possibly then other foreign banks.
Read more...US commercial real estate is starting to slide…a blip or a trend?
Read more...Australia faces choices in deciding what role China should play in Australia’s future. China is aggressively deploying “soft power” and outright offers of money (or threats to withhold funds) in attempting to sway Australian foreign policy both in the short-term, in pressing China’s case for control of the South China Sea, and in the longer-term, to reconsider its alliance with the United States.
Read more...This time, it wasn’t different either.