Category Archives: Real estate

Piketty’s Rising Share of Capital Income and the US Housing Market

The rising share of income accruing to housing is a key feature of the changing US income distribution. This column examines the determinants of this phenomenon. The rise occurred due to an increasing share of income accruing to owner-occupiers through imputed rent, it is concentrated in states that are constrained in terms of new housing supply, and it is closely associated with the long-run decline in real interest rates and inflation.


Are We Really Going to Sell Out the US Alliance for Property Prices? Australia’s China Choices

Australia faces choices in deciding what role China should play in Australia’s future. China is aggressively deploying “soft power” and outright offers of money (or threats to withhold funds) in attempting to sway Australian foreign policy both in the short-term, in pressing China’s case for control of the South China Sea, and in the longer-term, to reconsider its alliance with the United States.