Category Archives: Regulations and regulators

Supreme Court Grapples with Animal Welfare in a Challenge to a California Law Requiring Pork to Be Humanely Raised

By David Favre, Professor of Law at Michigan State University College of Law and Co-Founder of the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Republished from The Conversation.  Should Californians be able to require higher welfare standards for farm animals that are raised in other states if products from those animals are to be sold in California? The […]


The Inevitable Financial Crisis

We’re again in the Wile E Coyote phase of a financial crisis, but this time, the real economy problems are far worse than in 2008.


Pharma-Funded FDA Gets Drugs Out Faster, But Some Work Only ‘Marginally’ and Most Are Pricey

The pharma-funded system at the FDA is becoming more prevalent and, because of the funding structure now in place, will not be easy to unpick. With such a large proportion of the drug regulation budget deriving directly from drug makers, and more input from drug makers at every stage in the process, the divide between the FDA and drug makers is rapidly shrinking.