Category Archives: Regulations and regulators

Adding to Planetary Alarm Bells, Top US Finance Official Warns Climate Crisis a Recipe for Global Economic Collapse

CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam says, “As most of the world’s markets and market regulators are taking steps towards assessing and mitigating the current and potential threats of climate change, we in the U.S. must also demand action from all segments of the public and private sectors, including this agency.”


It’s Time to Stop Calling Natural Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’ to a Safe Climate, Says New Report

IEA’s annual market report predicts continued growth in demand for natural gas; Justin Mikulka discusses report Oil Change International debunking contention that natural gas can serve as a bridge fuel to a cleaner energy future.


FANGMAN Stocks Crushed by Potential “Unprecedented, Wide-Ranging Probe” into Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon

The authorities have come to realize that monopolists like Google and Amazon aren’t good for the health of the economy or even (despite their tech sheen) “innovation”.


Ecological Importance and Human Rights Be Damned, Trump Admin Says Fossil Fuel Pillaging in Arctic Refuge Coming Soon

Interior administration official promises to offer fossil fuel leases for sale in 2019 to allow drilling in previously pristine Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to commence.


Trump Admin’s Latest Rail Safety Rollback Sets up Industry to Make Its Own Rules

Trump administration continues to follow the self-regulation gospel – this time in the area of rail safety. This case study in corporate capture of American regulation is yet another area where the accidents are just waiting to happen.