Category Archives: Regulations and regulators

Bank Regulation Can’t Be Heads Banks Win, Tails Taxpayers Lose

At a G20 preparatory meeting, an INET panel analyzed how governments can prevent banks from exploiting taxpayer-funded bailout guarantees. The panelists didn’t mince words.


Taxcast: Mainstream Media Misrepresentations of the Financial Crash

This month’s Taxcast discusses misleading reporting from the mainstream media on the financial crisis: it was overloaded with finance ‘experts’, fed us all sorts of misunderstandings about the financial crash, sold us the austerity narrative, and omitted alternative solutions.


Costly Confusion: Patients Caught by Medicare Not Covering Annual Physical Exams

Yves here. This post presents a classic example of why medical care in America sucks. It’s too much about billing and not enough about patient care. I know patients who can have a yearly visit to an MD covered under their plan as either a physical or a medium complexity visit for conditions for which […]


Electronic Health Records: Death By A Thousand Clicks

Rather than an electronic ecosystem of information, the nation’s thousands of EHRs largely remain a sprawling, disconnected patchwork. Moreover, the effort has handcuffed health providers to technology they mostly can’t stand and has enriched and empowered the $13-billion-a-year industry that sells it.


Boeing Crapification: Second 737 Max Plane Within Five Months Crashes Just After Takeoff

Another Boeing 737 aircraft crashed minutes after takeoff in Addis Ababa yesterday, killing all 157 passengers on board, in circumstances similar to last October’s Lion Air crash in Indonesia. Consequences for Boeing depend on what the just-recovered voice and data recorders reveal.