Category Archives: Regulations and regulators

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

The chief architects of the exercise in looting otherwise known as the post-crisis rescues are back promoting more of the same.


Marshall Auerback: Central Bankers as ‘Dealers of Last Resort’

In their 21st-century role as counterparty/dealer/insurer of last resort, central bankers must not simply use their balance sheets indiscriminately to provide a liquidity backstop during the downturns. They must embrace this counterparty role as an umpire, rather than an enabler.


Why Elizabeth Warren’s Accountable Capitalism Act Will Be Good for Shareholders

Why shareholders are getting a raw deal out of the misguided corporate fixation on “maximizing shareholder value,” and Elizabeth Warren’s new bill is therefore good for them.