Category Archives: Regulations and regulators

The Fracking Industry Is Cannibalizing Its Own Production, Increasing Spill Risks

Fracking companies are drilling too many wells in close proximity to one another, and when they frack the newer wells — known as child wells — those “bash” or “hit” the older wells, cannibalizing production and sometimes damaging the older well. The industry knows not how to solve this problem.


Ninth Circuit Orders EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide

Ninth Circuit orders EPA to implement a long overdue ban of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to developmental delays in children and nervous system damage to people and animals exposed. Court previously had to order Obama EPA in 2015 to act on the issue; it’s unclear whether this decision will survive appeal.


Bill Black: Pre-Crisis “4506-T Studies” Showed Massive Fraud in Liar’s Loans; Fed Ignored Warning, DoJ Refused to Target Implicated Banksters

Yet another proof that the authorities were given evidence of widespread mortgage fraud before the crisis and chose to do nothing about it.


Inequality and Ordinary Living Standards in Rich Countries

How the evolution of the rise in inequality in the US has dominated and distorted economists’ and pundits’ commentary; data show that some pet generalizations don’t hold up.