Category Archives: Ridiculously obvious scams

New Filing Details How Crooked Attorney Ann Oldfather and Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman Conspired to Sell Out Underwater Pension Funds and Taxpayers to the Tune of Hundreds of Millions, Even >$1 Billion, in Lost Recoveries

As more legal filings and reviews show, Ann Oldfather and Attorney General Russell Cameron are shafting Kentucky taxpayers for their benefit


A Trump Pivot Away From Europe? Not So Fast: The Plunder Is Too Lucrative for American Plutocrats

Europe is now largely an American colony where the tech, energy, weapons, and financial industries are making a killing, so it’s no wonder Trump isn’t going to substantially shift US policy. 


More Kentucky Dirty Dealings: Attorney General Schemes to Leave Hundreds of Millions in Pension Recovery on the Table, Give Sweetheart Payout to Attorneys, To Settle Claims Against Private Equity Kingpins KKR and Blackstone, Including Ones by Plaintiffs the AG Does Not Represent

A new legal low: the Kentucky Attorney General wants to gift the pension fund’s money to KKR and Blackstone to settle claims against them.


Wall Street Journal on Men With “Crack Cocaine” Level Addiction to Crypto and Options Betting

The post-2020 bull markets in stocks and crypto + seductive trading apps have produced a big increase in gambling addiction.