Risking Nuclear War for Dollars
Why the risk of nuclear war has been and remains much higher than you realize.
Read more...Why the risk of nuclear war has been and remains much higher than you realize.
Read more...Until the results of new stress tests are known, the uncertainty principle calls for extreme caution in the regulator’s approach to the capital adequacy of systemically important banks (and indeed of banks in general).
Read more...Howy national conflicts, new concerns about security and supply chain risk, and technology are reshaping trade networks to be closer to home.
Read more...Board member Margaret Brown has finally had it with CalPERS’ dirty tricks.
Read more...Some progress on Grenfell Tower: Remediating apartment blocks, ongoing inquiries, regulatory proposals. But not nearly enough. And then there’s the potential IT boondoggle. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy…
Read more...CalPERS latches on to new, really bad investment ideas.
Read more...A major story on the CLOs chooses not to address the key questions.
Read more...The COVID-19 pandemic triggered unprecedented changes in employment levels and the values of stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies.
Read more...CalPERS efforts to ‘splain away its $1 billion tail hedge fiasco backfire as one of the tail risk managers, Universa, shreds CalPERS’ claims.
Read more...Keeping tabs on Fed munificence.
Read more...Private equity firms are sucking cash out of their limited partners at the worst possible time, exposing public pension funds in particular to liquidity crunches and fire sales.
Read more...CalPERS’ embattled CIO Ben Meng digs his $1 billion hole deeper with not-credible defenses. Tell the board not to cede more authority to him.
Read more...CalPERS staff is up to more dirty tricks. Push back by e-mail in public comments. Bad press already has them on the back foot.
Read more...Nassim Nicholas Taleb calls out one of CalPERS CIO Ben Meng’s Big Lies, and unearths an even bigger one.
Read more...More evidence that CalPERS Chief Investment Officer Ben Meng is over his head.