Category Archives: Risk and risk management

HSBC’s Money Laundering Nightmare (2): Mossack Fonseca, a Year in Words and Pictures, March 2015-March 2016

Mossack Fonseca and its trail of street protests: they are in it up to their thighs, and HSBC’s Stuart Gulliver has “no idea”.


Capital Requirements: Another Odd Attempt to Declare Victory on Dodd-Frank

I suppose we’re going to have to deal with half-truths and logical stretches about Dodd-Frank right through until November, but Bernie Sanders’ focus on Wall Street has really ramped this up of late. The trajectory appears to be a show of proof of some sort, followed by a blog link from Paul Krugman, at which point the citation hardens into conventional wisdom. The version of this that began a few days ago with Wonkblog’s Matt O’Brien has a level of truth to it, of course, but I don’t think it reveals exactly what its endorsers think.


Why Larry Summers is Wrong and Bernie Sanders is Right on Glass Steagall

Larry Summers, acting as a proxy for Team Clinton, attacked Sanders’ reform proposals, particularly the an updated Glass Steagall. Her’s why Summers is wrong.