Category Archives: Risk and risk management

More Doubts About Hedge Fund Performance

Hedge funds charge vastly higher fees than other money managers because they allegedly deliver better investment returns. Yet when you look at most hedge fund indices, they don’t look much better, and are sometimes worse than simple long-only strategies. And remember these indices almost certainly overstate performance, since they exhibit what is called “survivorship bias.” […]


Nicholas Taleb Attacks the "Pseudo-Science" of Modern Finance

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, seasoned trader and risk manager, and author of the provocative and well regarded book Black Swans, today in the Financial Times takes on the high priesthood of modern finance. He argues that modern portfolio theory and many of its offspring, such as the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the capital asset pricing […]


Securitization Ain’t What It Used to Be

A wry and informative article, “Slicing and dicing risk rebounds on banks,” by John Dizard at the Financial Times tells us that newfangled investment vehicles considered to be a good thing because it moved risk assumption away from large banks (and therefore ultimately central banks) to the wealthy. But Dizard explains the rich were too […]


Gillian Tett: The Perverse Effects of Value-at-Risk Models

In an interesting bit of synchronicity, the role of value-at-risk models has come into focus in the last couple of days. By way of background, VAR is a widely used risk management technique. It defines the level of risk by assessing the most one might lose in a set time period (typically one day) with […]


WSJ: Wide of the Mark on Valuation Difficulties

Forgive me for critiquing two Wall Street Journal articles in one evening, but the worst offender (this one) caught my eye second. It’s frustrating because this page one story, “U.S. Investors Face An Age of Murky Pricing,” attempts to explain the role of transparency, or more accurately, the lack thereof, in the recent credit market […]


Morgan Stanley’s Excuse for Dropping $390 Million in One Day

The problem with being public is that your dirty underwear gets exposed, and if you are an investment bank, that means you have to talk about embarrassing losses. Morgan Stanley announced that it lost $390 million in a single day in August. And of course, it was those pesky quant traders. And even worse, Morgan […]


Best Securities Reform Proposal

I am kicking myself that I didn’t come up with the proposal made by Brandeis professor Stephen Cecchetti in today’s Financial Times. His opinion piece, “A better way to organise securities markets,” is the single best idea for securities reform I have seen in a very long time. It is simple, elegant, and addresses many […]


Martin Wolf: Banks Hold Central Bankers Hostage

In an intriguing article today, “The Bank loses a game of chicken,” Martin Wolf, the Financial Times’ chief economics writer, followed the lead of the Bank of England’s Governor Mervyn King in backing down from their shared view that central bankers should be willing to let all but those banks “too big to fail” go […]


The Journal Tells Us Quants Have Suffered

Readers have probably figured out that I think the reporting in the Wall Street Journal is overrated. We have a prime example on page one today, “How Market Turmoil Waylaid the ‘Quants’.” My understanding is that newspapers are in the business of providing news. The story that the quants are in trouble is a month […]


Chaos Continues in the Money Markets

The Fed’s move on Friday to lower discount rates and its policy shift towards addressing risks to growth has not brought relief to the sector that was in the most distress, the money markets. Panicked action continued Monday, begging the question of what, if anything, the authorities can do. Institutional are fleeing from counterparty risk […]


On What the Fed Hath Wrought (So Far)

A gut-wrenching two weeks in the credit markets have been capped by unprecedented moves by central bankers. The ECB’s offer of an unlimited infusion to member banks the week before last was followed last Friday’ by the Fed’s discount rate cut, which included stern warnings that those who needed it better use it and a […]