Category Archives: Risk and risk management

Satyajit Das: A Disordered World – Part 2: Susceptibilities

Satyajit Das continues his tour of the breakup of the world order, here focusing on financial/economic dislocations and dysfunctional elites


The Inevitable Financial Crisis

We’re again in the Wile E Coyote phase of a financial crisis, but this time, the real economy problems are far worse than in 2008.


National Cyber Defenses Mean Businesses Can Keep Making Money From Public Services

By John McGregor, a translator and political violence researcher Cyber attacks targeting private sector providers for essential public services result in additional waste of public resources. When public health care fails in cyber security, politicians are quick to blame staff on the ground. But when private companies become the weak link, state resources are spent […]


IM Doc Could Not Get A Monkeypox Test for a Patient. What That Says About the Sorry State of the CDC and Public Health

The US Is flying blind on monkeypox, and the CDC and public health officials are unwilling to break a sweat to correct that.